Blackrock Retreat 2019

Every year we take a group of students to Blackrock Retreat in Lancaster, PA. The goal of the Retreat is to give the students an opportunity to experiences life together outside the school walls. The students are given opportunities to hike, hold animals, catch creatures in the streams, and camp together for two nights. Games are set up for the students such as glow-in-the-dark dodgeball, lazer tag, and basketball. As a school, we were excited to take our largest group yet, just shy of 100 students. We are grateful for the positive cabin discussions that were had after chapels, the smiles and laughter that carried throughout the 3 days, and the friendships strengthened.
“The most impactful part of Blackrock this year was really getting to know people better and making friends that I went back to Philly with. “
Chassity Rivera, Junior
“What I liked most was the campfire the last night, when we all could dance, and bond with one another. I will never forget hittin’ the woah with Maxine in front of the whole school”.
Kelia Verterace , Sophomore
“Blackrock was memorable this year because it brought me closer to people who have changed my life forever”
Jeffery Young , Sophomore