Our mission is to provide a quality education in a safe and supportive environment, that equips students to meet the challenges of a global society.

We are Committed to Excellence and we work hard to make the site a primary source for timely information for all users, and a main gateway for improved communication between parents, teachers, students and other members of our community.

Our goal and responsibility is to help each student develop an enthusiasm for learning, a respect for self and others, and the skills to become a creative independent thinker and problem solver.

General Courses

Theses are the classes offered by ICHS by category. Take a look below for a detailed description of each department course.

  • Bible
  • English
  • Physical Education
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Fine Arts
  • English Language Development

Dual Enrollment

Want to get college credit while taking high school classes? We currently offer the following Dual Enrollment Courses at ICHS with a local university:

  • Physics
  • Calculus
  • Statistics
  • Christianity & Culture



An introduction to major doctrines of Christianity and to theological method: biblical, systematic and historical theology. The relevance of the truths of these doctrines to life is explored.

Old Testament

A survey of the Old Testament (OT) to help the students see how the content of the OT fits into the narrative of God’s activity throughout history and to learn how to apply His Word to their lives.

Pauline Epistles

Studies the select portions of the Pauline Epistles (Paul’s Letters), specifically the books of Romans to Philemon. This class will undergo traditional hermeneutics to analyze a proper interpretation of the Pauline epistles and the various implications in which Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, transforms lives today. 

Gospel & Acts

A study on select portions of the gospel narratives highlighting the Person and work of Jesus Christ and the book of Acts to analyze the work of the Holy Spirit in the first-century church. This course undergoes biblical exegesis to interpret the gospel narratives and identify various implications in which the gospel of Jesus Christ impacts people today. Numerous references in the Old Testament are analyzed to see their relationship to the New Testament texts.


A study of a rational defense of biblical Christianity in order to enable the student to better understand, evaluate, and defend the Christian worldview in response to challenges from other common world views today.

Nature and Attributes of God (.5) & General Epistles (.5)

This unique course is a two-semester course designed to analyze the nature and characteristics of God and the books of the Bible consisting of Hebrews to Revelation (General Epistles). The first semester focuses on the Triune God and His communicable and incommunicable attributes. The second semester analyzes the General Epistles with a major focus on the book of Revelation. 



English Fundamentals 

A course that teaches the parts of speech and how to utilize these to concisely formulate thoughts for oral and written expression, vocabulary necessary for proper communication, and literature for the observation of exemplary style and discussion of ethical issues.


A course designed to prepare international students and students who are learning English as a second language for success in English-speaking classrooms through developing fluency in the English language. This course recognizes multilingualism as an asset and uses culturally responsive teaching methods. Multilingual students will develop their English fluency and proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills to understand and express ideas in English. Multilingual learners will use the key language uses of narrate, inform, explain, and argue about social, instructional, and academic topics in the secondary classroom.

American Literature

A survey of American literature, in light of a Biblical worldview and of the cultural context in which the literature was written.

World Literature

A survey of World literature, in light of a Biblical worldview and of the cultural context in which the literature was written.

British Literature

A survey of British literature, in light of a Biblical worldview and of the cultural context in which the literature was written.


Health (.5) & Physical Education (.5)

This course is designed to help students understand from a biblical perspective that their bodies are created by God and are to be used to glorify Him. They will learn a variety of exercises and stretching moves which they can incorporate in their daily life to promote their wellness.  During the health class portion of the course, students will also learn ways to benefit their overall health physically, emotionally, mentally, socially and above all, spiritually.

Life Skills
The course is based on the foundation of three fundamental skills upon which all others can be built: communication, decision making and goal setting. Students will also focus on college, career readiness and other practical life skills like financial literacy and other useful skills.


Basic Algebra

This course is designed for students who need a better background in mathematics in order to understand Algebra I concepts. This course builds a strong number sense by emphasizing integers, decimals, percents, fractions, ratio and proportion. The use of calculators at appropriate times is encouraged.

Algebra I

This Course is designed for students who need a better background in mathematics in order to understand Algebra I concepts. The use of calculators at appropriate times is encouraged.

Algebra II

Algebra II reviews the principles of Algebra learned in Algebra I and expands on that knowledge to develop the students’ mathematical skills to a deeper level. New topics include probability theory, conic sections and an introduction to trigonometry.


Geometry develops the student’s ability to think in logical way by learning about the relationships that can be found in geometric shapes. A study of proofs and how definitions, mathematical properties and formulas are an essential part of the development of the mastery of mathematics.

Consumer Math

A math course designed for high school students. It enables students to use math to make better financial decisions about borrowing, investing, buying a house, buying a car, buying life and health insurance and other such situations.


This course emphasizes functions, including trigonometric, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic. The graphs and the applications of these functions are covered in depth. The goal of the course is to prepare a student for entry into a calculus program.


An introductory course in calculus designed for high school students. It enables students to examine and manipulate the concepts of limits, derivatives, integrals, sequences, and series.


An introductory course in statistics designed for dual enrollment students. It enables students to examine and manipulate the concepts of data collecting, producing and processing data for statistical analysis.


Physical Science
The Physical Science course is intended to be an introduction to Chemistry and Physics. Chemistry is the study of composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter especially at the atomic and molecular level. Physics is the study of matter and energy, and how they are related.
Intro to Engineering
This course is to help students gain an appreciation for engineering and its role throughout human history, understand what engineers do, understand the skills and processes engineers bring to their work, and appreciate how the work of engineers shapes and is shaped by their society.
Computer Science
The objective of Computer class is to give the student a basic technological understanding of the hardware and software of computers. It is hoped that by the end of this class the student will be able to integrate this understanding into their lives outside of the classroom.
Chemistry is the study of composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter especially at the atomic and molecular level. In this course you will learn what is matter composed of and how different elements and compounds react with each other. One of the main points of focus of the course is to develop the ability to organize and classify objects and information.
Human Anatomy
This upper level science course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of how the organ systems within the human body work together to maintain homeostasis, and how a failure in homeostasis results in a disease or health issue. The course was designed with a focus on hands-on and
creative assessments that cultivate students’ critical thinking, research, and communication skills. Each unit includes laboratory work in the form of traditional labs and/or simulation activities, the study of specimens, and research-based projects.
An introductory calculus based course in physics designed for high school students. It enables students to examine and manipulate the concepts of vectors, motion, work, energy, momentum, equilibration, gravitation, periodic motion, fluids, temperature, heat, and thermodynamics.

Social Studies

American History

The course is a study of America’s rise to social, economic, political, and military power in the world, and the development of a uniquely American culture due to various social and philosophical reforms and revolutions. Students will learn how to analyze the interdisciplinary and cause-effect nature of history, and the important role changing worldviews have on the events and beliefs of the nation.

World Cultures

A geography course focused on physical, human and political geography. All of these share collective influence on a society’s way of life. The goal of this course is to help develop confident and capable lifelong learners of world cultures and geography by helping them learn the skills and information they will be engaging with in this course.


This psychology is designed to give students and overview of psychology. The course is based on ICHS’ mission statement. Therefore the goal is that the content would be challenging, incorporating application for life outside the classroom with the aim to raise critical thinking in terms of multicultural influences in psychology. Students are expected to develop awareness of how life experiences affect humans in diverse ways. We aim to see psychological theories and application through a biblical worldview. The goal of this course is to help students to achieve social, emotional, academic and spiritual success that they can build on.


This course is an introduction to the study of economic systems and the application of economic principles in today’s world. To better understand these economic systems and principles an emphasis will be placed on the great economists of history who first discovered these principles and created these systems, and on the historical contexts that shaped these economists.

Fine Arts

This course covers multimedia concepts and applications utilizing text, graphics, sound, animation, video, Web, and various multimedia presentations. Students will become proficient in the multimedia applications Google Suite App, WeVideo, and scratch basic programming and coding applications.



Students will learn and apply the elements and principles of design to produce creative art projects that reflect their understanding of basic art concepts.


Music Appreciation

In this course, students will look at how music is both a unique and a universal aspect of our humanity. From the earliest recorded civilizations, music has always been an integral part of human cultures around the globe. Music has been studied over the centuries as a cultural, spiritual, scientific, mathematical, and aesthetic phenomenon and is clearly established as an academic discipline.