2021: A Year in Review

Dear Friends,
2020/2021 will be long remembered at International Christian High School (ICHS) as a very unique period in our school’s history. While last year was filled with pandemic related challenges, we were grateful to provide both in-person and remote learning options for much of the academic year. This was a collaboration of our student body adapting to new and changing policies, and to our faculty for adopting new teaching methods. Certainly we are grateful for the parents and caregivers for their patience with us, and for the attentiveness to their children.
As we have turned the page to a new school year this fall, we already have many exciting updates to share:
- Our current school year has seen the entire student body return to in-person learning and has brought with it a record enrollment of 147 students. New faculty members also joined our team; the faculty and staff continue to be the school’s best and biggest asset.
- In October over 70 students and a few faculty members enjoyed an outdoor education experience at Black Rock Retreat Center in Lancaster County.
- With much celebration we are able to share that after two and a half years of hard work, the accreditation of ICHS has been recommended to the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Guidelines provided by ACSI will serve as a helpful roadmap for our future.
- After school clubs have returned a rhythm to our weeks, with Ping Pong the most popular this year.
- This fall has also seen heightened school spirit due to our investment in a full size gym. During volleyball season it was truly inspiring to see a team of 25 girls on the court and an additional 25 in the stands rooting them on. Girls and boys basketball season has now begun! Schedules are posted on the ICHS website. Join us at a game!
I would like to express the Board’s sincere gratitude to our faculty and staff who daily serve as the hands and feet of Jesus by investing in our students; to the parents who daily entrust their children to us; and to our many donors who contribute sacrificially toward needed scholarships. Without your prayers, trust and investment, our ministry changing the lives of our students, would not exist.
As we work towards an even brighter future for ICHS, we will communicate our hopes and dreams with all of you more frequently.
With all best wishes for a Blessed Thanksgiving and a Joyous, Spirit filled Christmas,
Bruce Dearnley
ICHS Board Chair